Wednesday, August 12, 2009

blow me a kiss

if only you know how much i want to scream out your name and say that i like you. too bad i just can't. ottoke??? i'm so doom if that person reads my blog. hope he's not cause if you are, which is likely impossible by the way, hope you don't freak out. hahaha


fatin suhaimi said...

sape tuh??

Sabrina Halim said...

rsa2 sape???

fatin suhaimi said...

dat candy man??
oh no!!!

Sabrina Halim said...

maybe huhuhu. tp don wory k! sab ms normal

fatin suhaimi said...

sokmo kata normal,,,udah ahh cik sab,,,aku paham even kamu is older half a year than me,,,,huhuhhuhu