Saturday, June 6, 2009

06.06.09 - happy 13th birthday to khaliq

to my one and only brother - happy birthday khal. you're officially a teenager now. kakak will always love you. sorry can't call you right now. the net is extremely crazy. will call you later k!


NaNi said...

like brother like sister

woww now i know..the 'myspace self-cam' mengalir dlm darah korg adik beradik. haha!! chyll

Sabrina Halim said...

wa... kak nani sngu zalim. sy mn de gmbr myspace. sy tngkp gmbr scra normal oke!

fatin suhaimi said...

cik sab n her "my space self-cam",,,

Sabrina Halim said...

wa... aten pn zalim gak. mn de myspace self-cam. dusta belaka

Aiza Aidid said...

waa.. da besa da die..
dlu kck je.. hehe
tp stiil cute ;)

Sabrina Halim said...

2la kan. rsa mcm dri ni dh tua je kn? hahaha